Badenoch + Clark – Italia

Look to your future

Recruitment and Head Hunter in Italy
Finding the leaders of the future is not what it used to be.
At Badenoch + Clark we help you face this change, offering you insight from the best head hunters on the market.


Leadership trasformativa e auto-efficacia

Elaborata alla fine degli anni Settanta da James MacGregor Burns, l’idea di leadership trasformativa (transformational leadership) indica uno stile che comporta una chiara visione organizzativa dove «leaders and followers» si aiutano l’un l’altro, al fine di raggiungere livelli più avanzati di standard professionali.

18 March 2019

Quando i "no" fanno la forza

Un luogo comune ci vuole sempre positivi e brillanti. Un altro luogo comune vede ogni critica al proprio operato come un atto di ostilità.

18 March 2019

Superconnectors: boost your network

We constantly produce consequences and generate relationships. Every gesture, every action in our life is deeply connected to other gestures, other actions, other lives.

19 February 2019

The roots of empathy in executive leadership

In his “Theory of Moral Sentiments”, published in 1759, the father of modern economics Adam Smith described a society founded on feelings, i.e. on our interpersonal ability to share and understand other people’s emotions and feelings.

19 February 2019